
our partnership

About our partnership

The Greenwich Learning Partnership is a dynamic partnership between all Greenwich schools and the Royal Borough of Greenwich. 

It creates a space where schools and the local authority work together to deliver a strong, self-improving school offer, that every school across Greenwich can access.

Our work is shaped by our vision and our aims.

The partnership is guided by the virtues of the Framework for Ethical Leadership in Education: trust, wisdom, kindness, justice, service, courage, and optimism. 

(LINK to the Ethical Leadership framework.)

Our vision

Greenwich Learning Partnership has high aspirations for all pupils and staff in Greenwich schools.

Driven by the principle of equity for all members of our diverse community, we ensure our children access a world-class education that prepares them for a fulfilling adult life.

Our aims

Together our collaborative community aspires for:

  • our children to receive a rich, ambitious curriculum delivered through exceptional teaching.

  • our staff to engage with research-driven, innovative professional development.

  • our leaders to be empowered, supported and inspired.