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Deadline: Senior Mental Health Lead Training Grant Available

Action by 31 December 2024

Schools and academies are invited to apply for DfE grants of £1,200 to fund training for their Senior Mental Health Lead. All settings are eligible. Please apply, if you have not already done so.

Further information, including how to apply, can be found at:
Senior mental health lead training - GOV.UK (

Applications must be submitted by 31.12.24

Please note that the application has more than one stage, as explained on the website above, as the training is delivered by DfE-approved providers.

N.B. If you have received this grant in the past, then your setting is eligible to apply again – if the person who was trained previously has now left the school. 

Michele Holmes - Principal Public Health Manager (CYP and Population Mental Health) 
07864 694 484 

20 December

Deadline: Completion of Children's commissioner survey

31 December

Deadline: DfE Senior mental health lead training grant