This briefing session is an opportunity for Chairs of Governing Boards and committees as well as Vice Chairs to meet.
The session will be held virtually.
New Ofsted Framework Presentation
We are excited to announce that Nick Turvey, Senior HMI for maintained schools and academies will be presenting at our summer term chairs briefing and governor network.
Nick is a qualified teacher and has taught in a range of schools. Prior to joining Ofsted, Nick held various senior leadership roles including executive headteacher in a Multi-Academy Trust. Nick has been an accredited local and national leader of education and Ofsted inspector. He has completed a master’s degree and the National Professional Qualification for Headship. Nick’s main specialisms are in English and humanities as well as in leadership, governance and school improvement.
During the session Nick will provide Governors with an overview of the new Ofsted framework which will be in place from September 2025.
There will also be an opportunity for governors to network with colleagues and share best practice across Royal Greenwich schools.
Briefing Flyer
If governors would like to attend this session, please register via this link