Y3/4 Girls Football Festival AM (Inspire)
Please note - Schools can only enter either the AM session or the PM session for this event.
Venue: Shooters Hill Sixth Form College
Date: Thursday 27th February 2025 (AM Session)
Time: 10 - 11.30am (9.30am arrival)
Entry Details:
Teams: 1 INSPIRE tier team per school (a targeted offer aimed at the least active or engaged young people. Emphasis on participation and trying new activities)
Players: Min:5; Max:10
Info: A fun circuit of football skills and drills. Activities will enable children who are less confident in PE / school sport to have a positive activity experience, helping to boost their physical and social skills.
Please arrive no earlier than 9.30am and no later than 9.50am. The festival will begin at 10am sharp and will be completed by 11.30am at the latest.
Please make sure that all participating children have adequate footwear for the festival, which will take place outside on a 4g pitch. We recommend astro-turf trainers or any trainers with good grip but boots and blades (no metal studs) are permitted. We would also recommend that schools bring water for use throughout the competition.
It is essential that all staff accompanying the primary schools sign-in upon arrival. All staff will receive a visitors badge which must be worn and be clearly visible throughout the visit. It is absolutely essential that all primary schools have a minimum of 2 staff for the duration of the visit.
Max 6 schools - First 6 schools to book online will be entered.