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Y3/4 Dodgeball Competition

  • Eltham Hill School 122 Eltham Hill London, England, SE9 5EE United Kingdom (map)

Date: Friday 14th March
Times:  1 - 2.30pm (12.30pm arrival)
Venue: Eltham Hill School
Entry Details: 1 INSPIRE team per school (Inspire = A targeted offer aimed at the least engaged or active young people. Strong emphasis on participation and trying activities or low-level competition)
Participants: Max of 6 Y3/4 children per school.  Each team you bring must have a minimum 4; Maximum 6 players (4 players on court with at least 2 females on the court at all times).  
Equipment: Children to bring own water and appropriate indoor clothing / footwear.
Staff: Minimum of 2 staff (1 first-aider - schools are responsible for their own first-aid)


Info:  Teams will need to follow dodgeball rules listed on the GSSP website.  School sports leaders will be refereeing matches.  Competition rules can be found in the ‘Competitions Tiers and Rules’ area of the website.


Please arrive no earlier than 12.30pm and no later than 12.50pm . The competition will begin at 1pm sharp! The competition will be completed by 2.30pm at the latest. 

Please make sure that all participating children have adequate footwear for the competition which will take place in a sports hall.  We recommend astro-turf trainers or any trainers with good grip. We would also recommend that schools bring water for use throughout the competition.

It is essential that all staff accompanying the primary schools sign-in at reception upon arrival.  All staff will receive a visitor sticker which must be worn and be clearly visible throughout the visit. It is absolutely essential that all primary schools have a minimum of 2 staff for the duration of the visit.  Please also note that there is no on-site parking.

Click here to access booking form on GSSP website.

14 March

Deadline: Mayor’s KS2 FSM – Data Collection & Claiming Additional Funding Above 90%

14 March

Deadline: Funding for research grants